Fourth option on council housing

I have signed the petition at the Number Ten website. The text of the petition is
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to provide the 'Fourth Option' of direct investment in council housing as an alternative to privatisation by stock transfer, PFI or ALMO, to enable local authorities to respect the choice of their tenants and bring all homes up to at least the government's Decent Homes Standard by 2010 and also build a new generation of decent, affordable and secure council homes for rent, accountable to an elected local authority landlord, and to give a clear commitment to defend the lifelong secure tenancy that council tenants enjoy and uphold the right of everyone who needs or wants to rent public housing to do so without time limit or means testing so that council housing can again become a tenure of choice and council estates can once again be a place that people are proud to live in.
Whether you think the use of the fourth option is a good idea or not, you can accept the idea that people should be able to choose it for themselves, particularly as 'devolution' and 'power to the people' seem to be the flavour of the month.



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